Read all about Women’s Health & Menstrual Cycle things in the Blog

Updates & Why’s
zara seligson zara seligson

Updates & Why’s

I got majorly redirected in the spring. Multiple things coincided.I was really burnt out on the social media hamster wheel finding myself getting caught up in all the “do this to grow” “do this for more engagement” “visual hooks, verbal hooks, all the hooks” and feeling so crappy about all of it. And you know what? None of it worked. 

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The Sisterhood of SelfHatred and Internalized Patriarchy
zara seligson zara seligson

The Sisterhood of SelfHatred and Internalized Patriarchy

You know who I get the most shit from about talking more positively, or not just solely negatively and disparagingly about periods? Women. If you’ve read anything I’ve ever written about periods and the cycle, you know I don’t sugar coat or delude. I don’t portray it as blissful or something we will love every second of…

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4 Things You Need To Know About The Birth Control Pill
zara seligson zara seligson

4 Things You Need To Know About The Birth Control Pill

It’s always been imperative that women and anyone taking hormonal birth control understands how it works in the body. Unfortunately, somehow, this is not information that gets passed on by medical professionals when it’s being recommended or prescribed.

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Reflections on Freedom
zara seligson zara seligson

Reflections on Freedom

I know this isn’t the normal thing usually write about. And I feel things changing in me and in the way I show up in the world. And activism in one arena is very easy to let spill into another. I am very passionate about human rights for all peoples.

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Let’s Make Sure We’re On The Same Page
zara seligson zara seligson

Let’s Make Sure We’re On The Same Page

I wanted to write up the Menstrual Cycle Basics so we are all on the same page and can talk about all the things. Because there is such a lack of education around the cycle, and I love getting into the more subtle aspects, I thought I’d put it down..

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It’s Really Simple
zara seligson zara seligson

It’s Really Simple

I recently had a conversation with an old friend about how one of my main philosophies about health and wellness is that it is, and needs to be, inherently very simple…

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Let’s Bring The Balance
zara seligson zara seligson

Let’s Bring The Balance

Balancing the Doshas in Ayurveda is literally what a lot of Ayurveda is about. and is a deep study and practice. To me it’s about how to live in a way and have our practices and habits reflect that harmony with Nature.

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Let’s Talk About Period Blood
zara seligson zara seligson

Let’s Talk About Period Blood

It gets said in the world of menstrual health that if your period blood is bright cranberry red than your hormones are in balance. There’s a lot more to it. The color, consistency, and even smell of our menstrual blood is determined by a few factors..

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Why I Do This Work
zara seligson zara seligson

Why I Do This Work

I see so many women struggling to accept themselves within the societal picture of how they are “supposed to be” and struggling with their menstrual experience as a result…

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Things You May Be Getting Wrong about menstrual health
zara seligson zara seligson

Things You May Be Getting Wrong about menstrual health

I’ve been seeing a trend lately. Of women in their late twenties and early thirties, who have either been on the pill for many years and/or who have been diagnosed with reproductive conditions such as endometriosis and PCOS and have been put on hormonal birth control to treat it, saying that since they don’t want to have kids for many years…

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Let’s Talk About Self Pleasure
zara seligson zara seligson

Let’s Talk About Self Pleasure

My goal is always to shed light on a subject from the perspective of women’s experiences, as well as how something effects all people in bodies, as best as I can tell, and how something intersects with the ways we feel about ourselves, each other, and what we are taught and absorb from the cultures we live in. In terms of self pleasure…

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Why It’s Healthy to Menstruate
zara seligson zara seligson

Why It’s Healthy to Menstruate

It’s nothing new that a lot of medical professionals, unfortunately those working at Planned Parenthood as well, tend to prescribe hormonal birth control as the go-to remedy for most problems with the menstrual cycle and female reproductive system.

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Let’s Flip the Script on Period Sex
zara seligson zara seligson

Let’s Flip the Script on Period Sex

I’ve wanted to write this for a while. Like many things involving heterosexual sex, things get framed from the perspective of how men feel about it. What we really need to be asking is How Do Women Feel About Period Sex?

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Cycle Synching
zara seligson zara seligson

Cycle Synching

I think we have to be really careful to not turn something intuitive and body based into a commodity, and into something that is meant to purely serve and work for us.

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Menstrual Cycle Myths
Category 1 Erica Hartwick Category 1 Erica Hartwick

Menstrual Cycle Myths

There are a lot of myths and misconceptions about the menstrual cycle. On the less serious end of the spectrum, these contribute to people not having an accurate understanding of what is happening throughout the cycle. And on the severe end…

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SelfCare for Menstruation
Category 2 Erica Hartwick Category 2 Erica Hartwick

SelfCare for Menstruation

This phase is equated with the season of inner winter and coincides with the outer season of winter as well as the new or dark of the moon. The menstrual cycle is deeply connected to the seasons and to the phases of the moon.

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It Starts with Girls
Category 3 Erica Hartwick Category 3 Erica Hartwick

It Starts with Girls

From the beginning it was incredibly clear to me that girls ( and all menstruating people*) being educated about, and understanding of how their bodies work was the key to women not only having a very different relationship and experience with their cycle and periods, but to being more empowered in themselves and in intimate relationships.

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Teas For The Cycle
Category 4 Erica Hartwick Category 4 Erica Hartwick

Teas For The Cycle

I personally have always loved the ritual and practice of drinking tea or herbal infusions and decoctions. Someone even wrote a song about it. It has always been comforting and is like creating a moment of calm, pause, and mindfulness. 

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