My work is about multi-leveled healing and the ways we can express that in all we do. This includes women's reproductive health & education, our spiritual growth and evolution, as well as how we present our work and businesses to the world.

I grew up surrounded by alternative healing modalities but didn’t enter into that study for myself until my early 20’s. After a severe adrenal collapse in 2009, I started studying and exploring holistic health and healing as a way to repair my system and find answers and reference for what I was experiencing.

My healthcare journey became my growing into the woman I am and want to be journey. It became healing my relationship with my body journey, which is also a journey of healing our relationship with ourself and how we exist in the world. It’s all connected.

I found myself drawn to herbalism and plant medicine, Yoga, holistic nutrition, and what I call lifestyle medicine.

Not only was I using these tools to change my own relationship to health and wellness, I was fascinated by everything I was learning. 

This was a time when my life changed drastically. I went from being a very social person in my early 20’s, to having to readjust to a much quieter life centered around the rhythms of nature and my own necessity for SelfCare.

This experience lead me on the path of becoming an herbalist, a yoga teacher, and nutritionist and private chef, and discovering this huge passion for helping others find a way to live in more harmony with themselves and their environment.

What I believe about healing






That true health & spirituality is actually very simple.

That most people have many of the answers inside themselves, and just need support and guidance to navigate implementing that intuition and knowing.

That the more we understand how our bodies & cycle work the more centered and embodied we are as woman. That this knowledge is our birthright and responsibility to claim and hold.

That all levels of healing are deeply connected. And that each person has a doorway into what is going to open and unlock their process of healing and transformation.

That each one’s healing is unique. That there is no fixed road map for how is is supposed to look, and that it’s usually very different from what we imagine.

Reclaim your reproductive health.

Boost your fertility, balance your hormones, and increase SelfCare on your period. Naturally.


  • Holistic Nutritionist - American Fitness Professionals Associates

  • Herbal Medicine training and certificate program-The Vitalist School in Ashland, OR

  • 200 hour Yoga teachers training- Mount Madonna Center

  • 200 hour Yoga and Ayurveda instructor training- Hale Pule

  • Student and practitioner of Transformational Energy Healing and has been helping to facilitate plant medicine ceremonies and healing retreats for over a decade.

Work with Zara

  • Women's Health Counseling

    1:1 wellness consulting designed to heal and balance the systems of the body. Focusing on reproductive and menstrual health. Based in Holistic Nutrition, Ayurveda, Herbal Medicine, Lifestyle Medicine, and Emotional Healing.

    Learn more here

  • Web Design for Healers

    Web Design and branding for healing based business owners looking to translate and transmit the unique heart and vibration of their work into their online presence and internet platforms.

    Learn more here

  • Spiritual Counseling

    Be supported and held in your healing work, sensitivity, and life process. Based in Somatic healing and transformational energy work, enter a space to gain more clarity and connection with your own intuition and spirituality.

    Learn more here

Disclaimer: Zara Seligson is not a licensed health care practitioner. She does not diagnose, treat disease, or prescribe. As a Certified Holistic Nutritionist and Certified Herbalist she shares and teaches about holistic health and multi-leveled healing. She makes dietary, nutritional, herbal, and lifestyle recommendations to her clients. Any changes that are made by the client in regards to their health and lifestyle are 100% the responsibility of the individual.