Health Counseling


Holistic Women’s Health Counseling

Looks at your health and well being through the lens of a woman’s body, life view, and unique emotional and mental experience. It is designed to give you more confidence in yourself and in your ability to shift your health & well-being.

This is done through medically accurate body education, accessible daily wellness practices, and tools for emotional awareness and healing.

How you feel about your cycle is just as important as what you eat throughout the month.

We are not taught as women to be in our bodies. We are not taught to love them or interact with them in a neutral, or positive, or pleasurable way. We are not taught how to truly care for them on all levels.

I see that most women are struggling with symptoms and conditions that stem from a combination of a lack of connection to their bodies and emotions, a lack of understanding about what is physiologically happening in the menstrual cycle and connecting systems, and a lack of education and knowledge about how to care for themselves and their hormones.

I believe we can be in relationship and experience with ourselves that is balanced, celebratory, and truthful. We can have a reciprocal experience of love and care with our bodies and cycles.

There is nothing wrong, shameful, or gross about the menstrual cycle or the female body.

Based in Holistic Nutrition, Ayurveda, Herbal Medicine, Lifestyle Medicine, and Energy Healing and Emotional Mindfulness, Women’s Health Counseling is one on one individualized holistic care for reproductive, menstrual, and women’s health.

Because the systems of the body are a web, we touch on many systems of the body that contribute to hormone health and well-being such as endocrine and liver health, blood sugar & digestion, daily routine, and emotional and mental well-being and selfcare.

Women’s Health Counseling is designed to address the many levels of holistic health that women experience, face, and struggle with.

No two people are the same, and no two menstrual cycles are the same. This work reflects the unique constitution and picture we all bring to our health and healing journey.

Things I Work With

  • conditions such as PCOS, endometriosis, PMS, painful periods, absent periods

  • fertility & conscious conception

  • miscarriage & difficulty conceiving

  • burn out & fatigue

  • holistic nutrition for women

  • weight struggles due to hormone imbalance

  • menstrual education for adults, teens & parents

  • increasing SelfCare in daily life

  • birth control education, navigation & transitioning off of it

Woven Through Our Sessions

  • nutrition tips & creating a balanced way of eating for hormone & digestive health

  • cyclical living tips

  • herbal medicine recommendations

  • lifestyle changes

  • emotional and mental healing practices & perspectives

  • emotional support for whatever you’re going through

  • energetic healing practices

  • guidance on how to track your cycle

  • daily SelfCare practices for the phases of the cycle

If you’re feeling disconnected from your body, wake up tired, feel you are doing all “the right things” but are still experiencing physical or emotional pain or extreme discomfort before or during your period, Women’s Health Counseling is the space for you.

If the days before you start your period are an emotional roller coaster or you feel wiped out for days after you stop bleeding, there are things for us to talk about.

If you don’t quite know what would help you feel better or more in balance, there are things for us to talk about.

Your experience is valid and there are tangible things that can help.

Ways To Work With Me

the deep dive

90 minute comprehensive intake session + in-depth wellness program package to guide you forward.


Detailed pdf program after our session that includes recommendations for diet & nutrition, herbal medicine, easy supplementation, lifestyle practices for increased cycle care, recipe, meal ideas & shopping lists

The Deep Dive Sessions are for the individual wanting support and guidance to start a new health and wellness program that prioritizes their cycle, hormone, and reproductive health (whether you want kids or not).

In all my packages you always get this intake process, and Deep Dives are designed to give you everything you need in one go to start a new path of healing and holistic women’s health.

This is a space to address diet, nutrition, lifestyle, the menstrual cycle, daily hormone health, and a clients relationship with their body and self.

*Opt in for two 60 minute follow ups for $288 total (can be purchased after intake session)

Please understand that if you have PCOS, irregular periods, endometriosis, PMS, absent or painful periods, are new to learning about your cycle or are wanting significant support to transform, this will give you a good start with a program and recommendations, and the 3 & 6 session packages will be more effective for your healing.

Three session package

Includes 90 minute initial intake session + two hour long follow up sessions with detailed program packages after each session.

Purchase all three sessions at once $515

Detailed pdf program after our session that includes recommendations for diet & nutrition, herbal medicine, easy supplementation, lifestyle practices for increased cycle care, recipe, meal ideas & shopping lists.

This is for someone wanting to get a solid foundation to develop a new health and wellness routine and lifestyle that prioritizes your health as a woman and menstruating person. Get in-depth recommendations for practices and lifestyle changes, diet & nutrition to support hormone health, and menstrual cycle education and counseling.

Sessions are spaced 2-3 weeks apart.

six session package

90 minutes initial session + 5, 60 minute follow up sessions with detailed program packages after each session.

Whatsapp & email contact between sessions.


This package is for individuals who are really ready to dive into their healing process and are looking to transform their cycle and relationship to it. If you have PCOS, irregular periods, endometriosis, PMS, absent periods, or painful periods, are new to learning about your cycle or SelfCare, or want significant support to transform, this is the package for you.

This is for you if you want to make significant changes to diet, nutrition, lifestyle, and your relationship with your body and self.

Sessions are spaced 2-3 weeks apart.

Initial Sessions

  • initial sessions are 1.5 hours and are where we will take a deep dive.

  • based on a comprehensive intake form, we’ll go over your health history, reproductive history, & talk about how you’re doing and what is bringing you to Women’s Health Counseling. I’ll ask you a lot of questions and you will have a space to ask any questions and share what is on your mind and heart going into this process.

After Each Session

  • you’ll receive a detailed pdf by email that will include:

  • herbal remedies & supplement recommendations, nutritional recommendations, meal ideas, shopping lists, recommendations for self-care, lifestyle, and emotional & spiritual healing practices.

In Between Contact

  • we will email, text, and send voice notes on Whatsapp in between sessions. This is based on what is best for you and your process and is an element we will create together.

  • this is for any questions, challenges and successes that come up in between sessions.

Follow up Sessions

  • follow up session are one hour.

  • this is where we check in, refine the process and program, work through any blocks or challenges and talk about all the things


 Frequently Asked Questions

  • Anyone who has a uterus and menstruates, as well as cis-gendered women who want to heal and balance their menstrual cycles, overall health, and relationship to themselves.

  • We will work on whatever presents itself as the underlying causes or contributors to what you are experiencing. This can be nutritional deficiencies, blood sugar issues, changing eating habits, adrenal health & sleep practices, emotional components, family reproductive history, your relationship to yourself

  • Our first session is an hour and a half is where we get to know each other more. We will go over things in your intake form that stand out, I will ask lots of questions to understand your history ( what you choose to share), and where you are now in this moment. We will talk about your goals and create a plan for how to get there.

  • Yes, definitely. I offer both. I never want finances to come in the way of someone getting care and support. I will offer you a sliding scale and either a 3 or 6 month payment plan that YOU decide the amount & increments you can reasonably do.

  • Yes. Everything we talk about is confidential between us.

  • Yes and yes. I have been working in and facilitating healing workshops with plant medicine for the last decade, working with many participants across the spectrum who have experienced different types of trauma and are coming for healing. I study transformational energy healing, and anything you have been through or experienced in something we can talk about and hold a space for.