Spiritual Counseling & Somatic Integration


Spiritualize and give context for your healing, growth, therapeutic, or plant medicine process and get the support, guidance, and education you need and deserve.

We all need support.

To have greater perspective, to see and intuit beyond the day to day material world, to navigate our path with clarity, awareness, and connection inside us and with something greater, and to thrive as sensitive people in a world that doesn’t teach us those skills.

We all deserve a space to reflect, process, and integrate where we are in this moment on our path and with clarity and faith, make choices as to how we want to move forward.

Based in Somatic Trauma Therapy & Transformational Energy Healing as well as 15 years of working in the plant medicine and spiritist healing field.

Spiritual Counseling & Somatic Integration is a space to receive support for your healing process, deepen your inner awareness and intuitive navigation of your life, and walk your path with greater connection and inner calm.

Things I Work With

  • guidance for working with and integrating plant medicine work

  • learning to connect with and listen to intuition & inner guidance

  • tools for highly sensitive people

  • mediumship education & guidance

  • energetic tools for grounding and centering in daily life

  • emotional & energetic awareness techniques

  • orientation and navigating healing processes

  • spiritualizing the therapy you’re already doing

  • finding spiritual connection outside of religion

Woven Through Our Sessions

  • somatic practices & mediation to slow down and connect with yourself

  • guidance for the life moment you’re in

  • conversation & emotional support for whatever you’re going through

  • breathing techniques to integrate

  • emotional support for whatever you’re going through

  • experiential energetic healing practices

  • recommendations for daily practices to increase presence, healing, healthy protection, and connection.

If you’re struggling to stay connected to yourself and to a greater faith, you are not alone. If you feel things deeply, and if this sensitivity results in absorbing energy or emotions that aren’t yours, there’s nothing wrong with you.

If you want to feel grounded, centered, and connected to your own intuition and inner knowing as well as something hopeful beyond yourself, if you need help contextualizing what you go through and experience in your healing process and life path, or need a space to learn to settle into your own self and energy & process decisions or daily life, Spiritual Counseling is for you.

Ways To Work With Me

Single sessions

75 minute sessions.

Session are online at this time.

Focusing on spiritual guidance and counsel and somatic awareness practices for integration and energetic healing.


*Schedule a free 15 min chat to let me know what you’re looking for in working together and for me to assess if I can help you acheive that.

Three session package

Includes three 75 minute sessions.

Purchase all three sessions at once $480

Initial Sessions

  • initial sessions are 75 minutes and are where we will get to know each other better

  • you’ll share with me what’s going on in yourself and your life, what you’re looking for in working together, and what’s up the most for you right now.

  • we’ll do some breathing, some meditating, some energy practices and we’ll talk and converse and work things out based on what is most needed for you at this time.

After Each Session

  • you’ll receive a detailed pdf by email that will include:

  • recommendations for lifestyle, emotional and spiritual self-care healing practices to help you navigate your process

In Between Contact

  • we can email, text, and send voice notes on Whatsapp in between sessions. This is based on what is best for you and your process and is an element we will create together.

  • in-between contact happens within business hours and weekdays.

  • this is for any questions, challenges and successes that come up in between sessions.

Follow up Sessions

  • please cancel or reschedule up to 24 hours in advance to avoid any fees. Same day cancelation or rescheduling will result in half the session fee being owed.

  • continuing sessions are one hour and 15 minutes and are similar to initial sessions. We will build on and deepen our work together to provide you with the space and learning you need.

  • this is where we check in, and keep going deeper as is indicated by whatever is coming up for you.


 Frequently Asked Questions

  • Anyone who has an interest in spiritualizing their personal process and deepening their awareness of their own emotions and energy. This work is for people who are already solid in their spiritual orientation or who are looking for support to deepen that awareness and outlook.

  • We will work on whatever is presenting itself in your life for healing and transformation. We will also address the underlying causes or contributors to what you are experiencing. This can be past trauma or emotions that need processing, parts that need integration, present day situations or factors or anything in between.

  • Our sessions are an hour and 15 minutes and take place on zoom. We will talk, pause to breathe and meditate, do energy and somatic exercises, talk about ways to navigate and frame things, and see what presents itself.

  • Officially I don’t. If finances are an issue and you really want to work together I’m open to a conversation about a payment plan.

    My three session package is priced to give you a discounted rate on sessions.

  • Yes. Everything we talk about is confidential between us. If you are in physical danger in your life situation we may need to discuss how to get you somewhere safe.

  • Yes. I have been working in and facilitating healing workshops with plant medicine for the last decade, working with many participants across the trauma spectrum. I study somatic therapy for trauma healing and anything you have been through or experienced is something we can talk about and hold a space for.

Disclaimer: Zara Seligson is not a licensed therapist or counselor and does not offer therapy. She is trained and certified in many healing modalities as well as being a certified minister and is able to offer spiritual counseling and somatic coaching based in these certifications. All recommendations are given with the full knowledge that what the client does with them is their own responsibility.