Let’s Bring The Balance

Balancing the Doshas in Ayurveda is literally what a lot of Ayurveda is about. It is a deep study and practice. To me it’s about how to live in a way and have our practices and habits reflect that harmony with Nature, ourselves, and our best expression of health and wellness. I will be the first to admit that there are things about the Ayurvedic lifestyle I immediately stopped doing once I left my training. Hello waking up at 4:15 am. Things that were just not real for my lifestyle or for how I wanted to live. I take a lot from it and I also don’t promote myself as that because there is a lot I don’t follow. I think living and practicing Ayurveda without rigidity is a true art. It can get very rigid, which I personally think negates a lot of what it teaches. Balancing the Doshas is a big topic, way bigger than your attention for this article. So I thought I’d do a Tips for Summer piece and include some things that are good for everyone in this season plus highlight some things based on Dosha predominances.

If you’re in the Northern Hemisphere it’s summer. And although climate change is real and almost everyone is having weirdness in the seasons, we can count on it getting hot. In Ayurveda like aggravates like and opposites balance. In the heat of summer we want to be aware of and focus on not further aggravating or increasing our own internal heat. Nature is built perfectly and has things naturally present at different times of the year to balance exactly what we need. Ayurveda is about following that rhythm and finding it within ourselves.

For instance, summer is a time when rivers, lake, streams, and the ocean are hospitable enough to submerge in. All the fresh fruit is in season. We naturally gravitate towards lighter foods, are not in the mood for hot, heavily spiced and cooked things, and naturally want to wear lighter more breathable fabrics. These are all things that help cool Pitta and keep the heat at bay. Pitta is made of fire and water and will overheat with added hot things this time of year. I am an absolute sun and water lover. Spending 5 weeks on Kauai taught me the healing magic that is basking in the sun. I feel like it cleans our organs and puts that pure Light into our bodies. And. Being someone who burns easily (but for real the last years I crossed over into tan land, another story) I wear sunscreen and temper the basking with lots of dips in cool or cold water. Getting burned can elevate Pitta so take care in the sun and soothe your system after with hydration and oiling the skin. Coconut oil is cooling and a great oil for the body during the warm months.

Things that are good for everyone:

Avoid hot and spicy foods- cayenne, chili, ginger, turmeric, fenugreek, excessive alcohol (it’s heating), fried food, heavier meals, and fermented food as well. These all have a heating effect in the body.

Allow your previous meal to fully digest before eating again.

Snack on fresh fruit and veggies as opposed to dry crunchy things ie chips, crackers, or too many nuts.

Avoid excessive dairy consumption- yogurt and cheese is warming and cow dairy is inflammatory for many people. It’s also one of the main foods that aggravates menstrual issues. Removing dairy shows major results with endometriosis, PCOS, and PMS like symptoms. Try unsweetened coconut water as an alternative.

Drink coconut water, watermelon juice, Ayurvedic hydration drink (recipe below), and stay hydrated with room temp or slightly cool water.

Drink a tea made with hibiscus, mint, and rose petals daily or post lake, river, or ocean & sun time.

Avoid exercise at the hottest points of the day. Don’t go running at noon. Exercise in the morning or evening when it’s cooler out.

Get in all the water! This is the number one remedy for Pitta overheating. Submerge in natural bodies of water and try cooler or cold showers. If you have a predominantly Vata constituiton, do cool -not ice cold- rinses at the end of your showers for at least three minutes.

Wear lighter fabrics and lighter colors. Think light cotton & linen and lighter calming colors like whites, blues, & light greens.

Eat cooling foods like fresh in season fruit: melons, berries, stone fruit, cucumbers, cilantro, & mint.

Sleep with the windows open for fresh night time breezes. Try sleeping naked. Yum.

Do meditative practices that help you be in touch with your emotions- meditating in Nature and especially by water this time of year is deeply soothing and calming to the mind.

Wear a hat and sunglasses if sun bathing or out on water to protect the eyes and top of the head from the sun.

Wear sunscreen when in the sun.

Some Vata Specific Things, for summer and the cycle:

If you know you have Vata as a predominant Dosha, you want to make sure to stay grounded and nourished as well as calm and cool in the summer.

Warm up as needed after the cold water dips. Avoid getting too cold.

Avoid iced or blended icy drinks. Smoothies are refreshing but we don’t want them so cold they hurt our teeth.

Oil the body daily, either with coconut oil or sesame oil.

Eat complex grounding carbs with meals, lighter whole grains, sweet potatoes and flat bread are great.

Snack on fresh fruit and veggies as opposed to dry crunchy things ie chips, crackers, too many nuts.

Make time to restorative activities and exercise as well. Things like meditation, yin yoga, slower walks and meanders, slower swims, dancing, and bike rides that aren’t about metrics.

Some Pitta specific things, for summer and the cycle:

If you know you have Pitta as a predominant Dosha you want to really keep things cool and relaxed. Do all the things in the first category plus these additional things.

Cut back on alcohol, spicy, overly salty, heavy foods and/or fermented and pickled foods especially the week before and during your period.

Take cold showers daily.

Start lap swimming.

Try coconut yogurt and coconut milk based ice cream.

Use coconut water as your base for smoothies.

Use cilantro, mint, lime, and cucumber in your daily meals.

Some kapha specific things, for summer and the cycle:

If you know you have Kapha as a predominant Dosha we want to keep things circulating and flowing and swimming is one of the best things for these smooth water lovers.

Start a swimming practice, either in a natural body of water or lap swimming.

Swap cow dairy yogurt and ice cream for coconut yogurt & coconut milk based ice creams or fruit based “ice creams”. Frozen banana and pineapple work amazing.

Be aware of not over doing it with rich creamy foods and deserts.

Do more vigorous exercise in the cooler parts of the days. Hike hills, jog, swim, Yoga, bike.

Avoid alcohol, high sugar foods, and simple carbohydrates like chips, crackers, pasta, and white flour bread.

Stay grounded with root veggies and light whole grains like quinoa and millet.

Rehydration drink:

This is replenishing and hydrating without any artificial sugars or coloring.

1 tablespoon honey

4 drops lime juice

1/4 teaspoon salt

8 oz warm water- just enough for the honey melt

Mix all ingredients in a mug . You can let cool a bit so its room temp.


It’s Really Simple


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