Why I Do This Work

We all have the job of reclaiming the fundamental knowledge of how our bodies operate throughout the month.

I see so many women struggling to accept themselves within the societal picture of how they are “supposed to be” and struggling with their menstrual experience as a result.

There is nothing wrong, shameful, or gross about the menstrual cycle or the female body.

If you have a uterus, it is one of the most healthy, natural, vital things your body can do. It is crucial for women and menstruating people to understand how our bodies work. Not only does this create a new and expansive relationship with ourselves, it allows us to be in the world in a more centered, whole way.

We are in a moment where real power and choice is being taken away from women and people with uteruses, and we all have a role to play in taking responsibility for the areas we can be responsible in.

Body knowledge, fertility knowledge, reproductive knowledge and how we take care of our health are some of those areas. 

We give power away when we need someone else to all us when we can and can’t become pregnant. We give power away when we don’t understand how birth control works or effects our cycle and body. We give power away when we don’t understand how our body works. When we hold this knowledge inside of us, we become more and more connected to who we truly are and how we feel called to manifest in the world. We operate differently in relationships of all kinds.

When we understand and honor how our body works, we pass that essence and real-life education to future generations. Girls who learn this become more empowered women.


Let’s Talk About Period Blood


Things You May Be Getting Wrong about menstrual health