CARE-FULL: a cycle guide


CARE-FULL helps women understand and care for their cycle beyond what is physically happening without feeling confused or crazy about why they feel a certain way. You’re not making it up. The cycle affects us on all levels and there is a way to taKe care of it phase to phase.

You don’t have to have a negative experience with your emotions or energetic experience throughout your cycle. CAREFULL, a 37 page guide to the non-physical aspects of the cycle, reference resource, and workbook, was created for women who want to be in connected positive relation to their body and selves throughout the month, reclaiming and believing in the messages their body and inner selves gives them.

It is meant to shed light and knowledge on how to care for the multi leveled experience of having a menstrual cycle in a world that makes very little space for it.

Welcome to your next level of connection with yourself, your body, and your cycle. Welcome to the time when you stop gaslighting yourself about youR experience, you embrace it, and are in charge of its care.

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