Heal & Live. Holistically.

A Holistic Healing Studio for Body & Spirit.

We’ve normalized being disconnected from ourselves.

We’ve normalized compartmentalizing ourselves and our lives.

We hide our sensitivity and the gifts that come from that, and we don’t fully understand how our bodies work as women.

what if we integrated and connected to our whole selves. what if we expressed that in how we take care of our health & spirit, how we work, and how we present ourselves to the world?

let’s connect

Working Together

Women’s Health Counseling

A 1:1 wellness counseling service to increase health and harmony in your hormones and menstrual cycle. Based in Holistic Nutrition, Ayurveda, Herbal Medicine, and emotional healing.

learn more

Spiritual Counseling

A 1:1 space focusing on somatic and emotional integration and spiritual healing and guidance. Based in Somatic Trauma Therapy, Transformational Energy Healing, and integration for plant medicine work.

learn more

Web Design

Web Design & Branding for healing based business owners wanting to translate the essence and unique vibration of their work into the digital platforms and communications they present to the world.

explore web design

We can heal and transform from what we are taught and conditioned to believe.

There is a way to heal into our whole selves.

Some Women’s Health Things

Why is Menstruating so Healthy?

Having your period isn’t random. And now more than ever when it’s being encouraged for women to skip their period, we need to understand and embrace the very real benefits of having a menstrual cycle.

reclaim your reproductive health

Boost your fertility, balance your hormones, and feel healthier in your body and cycle. Naturally.